Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm Back...

So how good am I at New Year resolutions??? In January I was determined to keep this blog current and here it is the middle of May and my first post in 4 months. Who knows where to even begin??!?!

Things here are good. Russ and I had a fantastic time in Cabo and a month later found out we are expecting #3!!! Since then, it's been a whirlwind. I'll try and recap some of the bigger events in the next couple of posts but bear with me. We have a crazy week ahead of us - J's last week of school, a small gathering of friends planned for Friday and come Sunday morning at 6:00 am we are headed for Va-Ca!!! A full week of Disney with Russ' whole family. 10 adults and 5 kids should be a rip roaring good time :)