Sunday, September 28, 2008

Let's Get Started...

Well, where to begin??? We are the Cottle Family - Russ and Elizabeth, our two sweet girls "J" and "E", and, of course, Cobb the Golden Retriever. My hope is that I am able to keep this site updated with all the events going on in our busy lives. Bear with me as I figure blogging out!!

Russ - working harder than ever at JL. Just spent the week in San Fran on business travel but will be in town this coming week - yeah!

Elizabeth - working part time at JL...spending the rest of my time taking care of my two sweetie pies :)

J - 2.5 years old and going on 18. She is absolutely precious and is definitately "all girl". We live and breathe princesses, barbies and baby dolls! She is determined to be a dancer and, since the Olympics, is looking forward to doing gymnastics on TV. She is an incredible talker, loves pretend play and is mommy's big helper. I have never seen a more caring and loving big sister. She loves her Ellie Belle. She is going to school one day a week for just a couple of hours and is loving every minute of it.

E - our little one year is busy making our lives complete. She is 13 months old and already past walking and on her way to running. E definitely shows signs of being our outgoing child. She keeps us very busy and while Jane enjoys running errands with her mommy, E is definitely happiest playing either in the toy room or outside now that the weather is cooling down. She just figured out some "girl things" and is now thowing balls while decked out in bracelets, necklaces and carrying a purse....really too sweet :)

So...that's us in a nut shell. Hope you continue to check in and see what's new in our little world!

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