Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Are we there yet?

So I know I am behind in my updates and still need to talk about J's 3rd birthday but I just needed a moment to ponder...it is Tuesday afternoon and I am sitting at work thinking about everything that needs to get finished. You see, Russ and I are leaving for Cabo San Lucas in approximately 36 hours!
  • The house is mess
  • There's no food to eat
  • No juice, milk or Canadian Club (for Grandma Sandy),
  • Laundry is still getting finished
  • Let's not even think about ironing (let's pray the hotel has a nice iron I will be able to make use of)
  • E has a Dr. appointment
  • J has school orientation
  • Packing? Is that supposed to happen before midnight tomorrow?
  • Would love to get a pedicure...I mean winter feet in flip flops is not a pretty sight
  • Notes on the girls schedule and medical release forms
  • Who knows what else will be forgotten about until the last minute?!?

It will all be worth it when I feel the sun on my face and the sand between my toes...right?!?!?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Pics...

Here are some pics of Christmas Eve and Christmas morning...lots of fun!!

This is actually from our Christmas celebration with the Schwab's. Russ got the girls baseball gloves. Amazingly, Jknew exactly what to do with it. You can see what E thought the glove was for :) The best part...they light up when you catch!

Christmas Eve at Liz's parents...the girls got a kitchen and were well entertained for the evening. It's a blast to see a one year old know exactly how to cook!

Christmas morning at Russ' parents. J loved everything she got...expecially her Barbie Diamond Castle. Once E woke up from her 5:15 crash she was ready to go. All in all a great day for everyone!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's been forever..

I can't believe it's been two months since I logged on...one (of many) resolutions for the new 2009 is to be more diligent on posting our updates. I've finally come to the conclusion that I am horrible with baby books, scrapbooking, etc. but am committed in making this our way of gathering memories to share with the girls some day...at least that is what I am hoping for!

So in the past two months we have been busy! We have filled our days with preschool, Mizzou football games, Thanksgiving, Christmas parties, birthday parties, work, running after little rugrats, you name it! We had a nice Thanksgiving with my family followed by the Barrett's and Grandma/Poppy coming over for yummy Pumpkin Pie.

Christmas was "Christmas" in all it's glory. We tried something new this year and visited my parents Christmas Eve and then drove down to Russ' parents so the girls could wake up Christmas morning at Grandma and Poppy's...it was, well, interesting to say the least! By the time everyone settled down and we were able to finish "Santa" our little E was up with what we discovered to be an ear infection for the rest of the night. Literally, that child was up from 12:30-5:15...it was insane. I think the ear discomfort initially woke her and then add in a different environment and she was rearing to go! There just wasn't a good place to settle her down since we couldn't risk waking up 4 other kids! Bless Russ' heart, he took the worst shift and we traded off around 4:30...I was tricky and turned on a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse around 5 and that seemed to zone her out enough to crash. So yes, I was desperate, but our "Me Mo" did the trick.

So while E missed most of opening presents, our sweet J loved every minute of the magic of Christmas morning. This is really the first year that she "got it"...it was too sweet.

I, of course, have not had a chance to download our Christmas pictures off the camera yet. But will hope to do so in the day or so and load some up. On top of Christmas, we also had J's birthday the same week...I will save that for another post...