Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Are we there yet?

So I know I am behind in my updates and still need to talk about J's 3rd birthday but I just needed a moment to ponder...it is Tuesday afternoon and I am sitting at work thinking about everything that needs to get finished. You see, Russ and I are leaving for Cabo San Lucas in approximately 36 hours!
  • The house is mess
  • There's no food to eat
  • No juice, milk or Canadian Club (for Grandma Sandy),
  • Laundry is still getting finished
  • Let's not even think about ironing (let's pray the hotel has a nice iron I will be able to make use of)
  • E has a Dr. appointment
  • J has school orientation
  • Packing? Is that supposed to happen before midnight tomorrow?
  • Would love to get a pedicure...I mean winter feet in flip flops is not a pretty sight
  • Notes on the girls schedule and medical release forms
  • Who knows what else will be forgotten about until the last minute?!?

It will all be worth it when I feel the sun on my face and the sand between my toes...right?!?!?

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