Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back to Reality

So we had our fantastic get away in January, but who are we kidding...this is real life. Here are February and March in a nutshell...

We had a great snow in February. It was just my luck that Russ was traveling so that left me with the driveway shoveling and the daunting task of introducing E to the snow. J was ready to hit the hills and hot chocolate but not our little E. Surprisingly, our always ready to go girl is petrified of snow. I made a couple attempts of sledding, walking, playing but when it gets to the point where she screams when a door to the outside world opens, well, it's time to call a truce. J and I got to have some fun during naps....let's hope next winter is a mild one!!

In February, we were busy with family activities including the much beloved Butterfly House. E still prefers more action (as shown by the pics) but it was a great time for all!

Here is my J who can be easily spooked by daddy long legs and every other creature in the animal kingdom absolutely mesmerized by the biggest beatle I have ever seen in my life. They never cease to surprise me!!

And finally, here are some pics of us just chillin' around the house. Eating Krispy Kreme, playing in E's crib, all the good stuff that fills the majority of our days :)

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