E's birthday week was filled with activity - it was also J's first week of true "preschool"! She went last year to a mini-preschool class but it was only 1 day a week for a couple of hours - more play than anything. This year she has officially entered 3 year old preschool class full of rules, expectations, tons of activities and new friends to meet. Overall, I would say the past week and a half of school has been a success. I was a bit concerned because she has a tendency not to want to leave mom at camp, vbs, etc. but am happy to report that it appears as though I was worried for nothing. While she is adjusting, she has been a trooper each day about getting ready for school and being a big girl. We've definitely had more smiles than tears and that is all that matters :)
Here's a before - school pic from the first day
And we still have smiles when I picked her up!!! (along with a little pink glue all over her shirt - which I was a-ok with since it shows she participated in class!)
J and her HSM Wildcats pose...what to do with a 3 year old obsessed with Troy and Gabriella?!?!

Can you tell E is ready for school herself? She is going to hate an August birthday for a bit....the girls were arguing in the car on Sunday over who's school it was. E would really like to stay with the big kids :) I keep telling her someday...