Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Baby Turned Two...

Last week was little E turned two. If you ask her, she's three like her sister, but that has been the case for the past year. We had a great party for her on Sunday at a park near home. Friends and family came for a good time filled with swinging, sliding, playing in the sand and of course birthday cake! We ran out of time to open presents (it's hard gathering 15 kids from a playground for an activity like that) so E, with much help from J, opened presents after quiet time. Here are just a few pics from the party - I need to get some from the Grandma's as they were able to do a few more clicks of the camera than I was :)

It makes me wonder what kind of mother I am, but have to admit that I did not get any pictures of her actual birthday. She got to spend the day with Grandma, Poppy, Mickey and J since Russ and I had to work. We got home early and took her to one of her favorite activities - swimming and happy meals :) Grandma L met us at the pool so the girls could show off their swimming skills. It was a great day for her. Reportedly, she barely napped - it was as if she new it was her day to party like a rockstar!!!

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