Monday, September 7, 2009

Fun In The Lou

The past couple of weekends have been filled with family fun - last weekend was capped off with E's first Cardinal game ever. I guess that's the difference between the first and second - J's first game was when she was 4 months old (opening day at the new stadium, no less) whereas E had to wait 2 whole years before we managed to get the whole family there. Definitely good times to be had. We had a ton of fun, managed to see a great game and lots of fireworks thanks to 3 homeruns and the finale win.

This Labor Day weekend we enjoyed ourselves at a friend's bbq, Sunday spent at Grandma and Poppy's and on Monday we took the girls down to the Boathouse for some paddle boating. Russ definitely had his work cut out for him - paddling all of us most of the time. J helped some (in her own beautiful way :)) and I paddled when I wasn't being smothered by children. He definitely got a good workout in today!!

We wrapped up our outing with lunch at Fitz's where E got to experience her first root beer!! It was a huge hit :)

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