Friday, September 24, 2010

Campfire and Smores...

Russ and I have been talking all summer long about how fun it would be to "camp out" in the backyard one night with the girls.  We decided to give it a go this weekend and I have to say it was a pretty fun night.  We set the tent up, ate hot dogs outside, sat out by the campfire, roasted marshmallows and gobbled up s'mores.  The girls had so much fun!! 

And the best part???  At 9:30 when the thunder and lightning rolled in we moved sleeping bags to the basement and the girls and Russ had a fun camp out in the comfy, dry house.  Life was good.  Nobody woke up until 9:00 the next morning.  Yippee!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Welcome to the World of Soccer...

The girls school district offered a new 4-5 year old soccer program for the first time and we decided it was a great way to introduce J to the sport.  6 weeks.  30 minutes of practice and a 30 minute game.  Perfect.

The first practice/game was Saturday and it was great!  Russ is "Coach" and I think he had as much fun as the kids. 

Things Don't Always Go As Planned...

I ran and I ran and I ran.  And then I was ready.  Packed.  Girls ready for mom and dad to go out of town for the weekend. 

Russ and I were heading up to Chicago for the weekend and for the first time EVER I was actually running  the half marathon instead of spectating (is that a word??)  And then.....1:30 am and I woke up with the most excruciating pain I have ever felt (and yes, I know what pain feels like - I was dilated to 9 cm with Jane before an epidural).  Finally 911 was called, went to the ER and guess what....gallbladder.  No running for me.  No trip to Chicago.  No fun food or drinks. 

What's a girl to do?  Amen my parents were able to make it to the house before I left for the hospital.  Amen my children slept through the ENTIRE ORDEAL.  Amen that, while I have been uncomfortable, I have not had another attack like that friday night.  Amen that surgery is scheduled for next week.

So....we decided to make the best of it.  E woke up at 5:30 in the morning complaining of an earache.  5 hours later we had antibiotic for her first ear infection in 10 months and she was all better.  J woke up disappointed that Grandma and Grandpa weren't there and so Russ dropped her off on the way to the doctor and she got to spend the day (and night) with them.  C got to have a day playing at home without any errands, school drop-offs, etc.  Everyone was good.  We all got GREAT sleep that night and were ready to go on Sunday.

We decided we might as well have a "different" kind of fun and spent Sunday afternoon at the church Ice Cream Social.  We brought Mickey with us so Grandma and Poppy could take the big boys to the Rams game.

First Time Ever On Horses!!!!  E wasn't so sure but she was the first one to ride (She's tells us she's "very brave"  J hopped on like it was no big deal :)

Relay Races!!

Ice Cream!!

Pig Races!!

And Finally....WHEN IS IT MY TURN?!?!?!?!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Out with a Bang!

Well...I guess it's official.  Summer is over.  We enjoyed our Labor Day weekend so much.  Uncle Johnny came in from Washington DC - it's the first time he has met C and almost a year and a half since he has seen J and E so it was great to catch up.  We spent Saturday with the zoo with some friends from Ohio.  It was absolutely GORGEOUS (unfortunately, the rest of STL thought it was a great day for the zoo also!!)

Sunday we headed down to Grandma and Poppy's and spent the day with the whole Cottle clan.  It was great to spend time with the whole family and I know Russ' parents were really enjoying having everyone together.  We brought Cobb with us and he was, as usual, in heaven.  We didn't head down to the lake right away and he was as patient as he could be, but when he saw Jimmy head that direction on his bike....well, he was gone!  We found him splashing around having the time of his life :)  The girls got one last lake swim in this year.  I'm sure next year C will be joining in on the fun.

Monday we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's for some more BBQ fun.  It was another gorgeous day and we spent as much time outside as possible.  We brought Great Grandpa with us and it was great for him to be able to enjoy everyone's company, the outdoors and the kids playing.

Everyone has slept VERY WELL this weekend.  I don't blame them...we have worn everyone (including ourselves) out!!!