Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Out with a Bang!

Well...I guess it's official.  Summer is over.  We enjoyed our Labor Day weekend so much.  Uncle Johnny came in from Washington DC - it's the first time he has met C and almost a year and a half since he has seen J and E so it was great to catch up.  We spent Saturday with the zoo with some friends from Ohio.  It was absolutely GORGEOUS (unfortunately, the rest of STL thought it was a great day for the zoo also!!)

Sunday we headed down to Grandma and Poppy's and spent the day with the whole Cottle clan.  It was great to spend time with the whole family and I know Russ' parents were really enjoying having everyone together.  We brought Cobb with us and he was, as usual, in heaven.  We didn't head down to the lake right away and he was as patient as he could be, but when he saw Jimmy head that direction on his bike....well, he was gone!  We found him splashing around having the time of his life :)  The girls got one last lake swim in this year.  I'm sure next year C will be joining in on the fun.

Monday we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's for some more BBQ fun.  It was another gorgeous day and we spent as much time outside as possible.  We brought Great Grandpa with us and it was great for him to be able to enjoy everyone's company, the outdoors and the kids playing.

Everyone has slept VERY WELL this weekend.  I don't blame them...we have worn everyone (including ourselves) out!!!

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