Tuesday, February 8, 2011

let's move on already...

yes, it's almost v-day....but, i have two lasts pictures to post for j before we can move on from the christmas season.  what can i say...it's a busy time of year for us with lots to cover :)

first, just because it's cute.  here's a picure of j's preschool christmas (scratch that, 'winter') party. 

J has had such an awesome year at school.  she has grown and matured so much - is caught up in play dates with friends and loving life as 2nd year student :)  we will be sending E to a different school (same program/curriculum) next year because of kindergarten logistics.  i am excited for her but praying continually for her to have as good an experience as J has had.  those perschool teachers have the kind of patience I could never dream of!!!

the next picture is of j and her dance class.  once again showing her maturity this year.  she loved having her birthday celebrated by the other girls in class, singing happy birthday, getting a balloon....i love that the dance studio recognizes how important it is to make each little girl feel 'special' :)

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