Friday, March 4, 2011

my kind of farm.

last weekend we were invited to spend the night at some friends "farm" which is not an actual working farm but what i describe as a play farm.  we got their friday night and headed out to the bonfire for fireworks and smores.  stayed up late playing and dancing and then, after we finally got the kids to bed, enjoyed a little adult conversation with some great friends that we don't get to spend enough time with.

saturday morning we all got up and had yummy waffles, got the kids bundled up and went out to play four wheelers and tubing and just good old fun.  once the kids were ready to warm up with some hot chocolate the guys went off to paintball in the woods. 

even cobb got to come play at the farm.  i didn't want to put him back in the car to go home after 24 hours of running in the woods, splashing through the creek and getting into who knows what.  old dog - couldn't move for the next three days. 

it was such good fun i didn't have a chance to take any pictures :)  truth be told, russ had been traveling the week before - in fact, we met him up by the airport on our way to the farm - and well, i'm just not with it enough to bring a camera that had a charged battery.  on top of it, my phone spent the night outside by the bonfire and wasn't found until the next morning.  i have no idea on earth how the thing still works - snow, mud, fire, four wheelers.  it's truly a miracle and i will probably keep this phone case forever and ever. 

and besides, can i say 9 adults and 14 kidss - girls age 7, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, and 1... my girls were in heaven!!!! and we were totally outnumbered :) 

this is all i've got for memories sake...thanks to the chilly iphone and pictures i copied off facebook (shhhhh...)

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