Friday, October 21, 2011

the new love of my life...

16 days ago I thought I was prepared for the arrival of my little guy.  the day got off to an early start - the hospital calling at 5:15 to let us know they were ready for us to come in and start the induction.  hours later I was just kinda hanging out - waiting for the pitocin to kick in and decided to flip through a magazine.  my horoscope read...."get ready for a serious love affair like you've never experienced before - an epic, mind-blowing romance is headed your way."  YEP.  i'm head over heels in love with the newest man in my life.  Welcome to the world William John. 

and the stats...William John (named after my dad and russ' dad), born 10/5/11 at 3:31pm.  weighing in at 9 lbs. 1 oz. and 21 1/4 inches long!  he's such a handsome little guy :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

He is beautiful! Congratulations Cottle family! Enjoy your little man.

-From the Spiers family!!