Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hi...My name is Chubby Wubby

6-month checkup went great!  C weighed in at an impressive 19 lbs. 3.5 oz (92 percentile) and 27 inches (86 percentile).  Her cousin Emmy just had her 9-month checkup and charted at the 10th percentile for her weight...combine the two little girls and we've 100% of baby weight :)

E came with us and painted her nails while the pediatrician checked the baby out.  I'm just sure the doctor was super impressed I'm letting my kids walk around with nail polish.  Oh well, you do what you have to do to keep some smiles around. 

On a side note, day 4 of potty training and we've yet to have a successful 'pee pee' in the potty.  Good times...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sitting Pretty

Oh My baby is 6 months old and sitting pretty :)  She has her checkup in the morning and I'm looking forward to seeing how big she is getting. 

Could she be any cuter?!?  Goodness, I love this baby girl!!!

Happy Birthday to You...and You...and You

It was a busy weekend a couple of weekends ago in which the girls and I got to celebrate three birthdays in 24 hours...guess it's just a preview of the future...

Kennedy's 4th birthday - complete with Snow White and Sponge Bob.  J loved her princess look-a-like, but Sponge Bob was enough to end the party for E.  Have to admit he looked a little freaky :)

Later that afternoon we got to celebrate our Chickie's 3rd birthday.   Oh my goodness was E a happy little girl to spend time with all her JoAnn buddies - especially her Chickie :)

Chickie and Elle Belle

On Sunday we celebrated Jimmy's 10th birthday.  Can't believe that kid has entered double digits :)  We don't have any pictures of the party but here's a pic of him and his mommy for posterity's sake.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A little Easter prep...

A little hunt...some easter eggs...good times.

Easter bunny...not so much.  At least not in the eyes of our little E :)

We love ourselves some "saucer" time...

A little random but she's so cute I can't help myself....C loves being in a excer-saucer and bouncer.  Guess it makes her feel like a "big girl"

Batter Up!!!

We are a baseball family this year!  J decided she wanted to play t-ball with cousin Mickey this Spring so Russ signed her up for mini-rookie t-ball.  She is super excited for the season to start and had her first practice Thursday.  She had an absolute blast in her classic J form - dressed in all pink including pink helment, pink glove (which also lights up - woo wee), and pink bat.  An absolute riot.  On top of it, she had great form and decided the best way to get on base was sliding.  She walked off the field after practice covered in a film of dust.  Russ had a great time helping the kids and the girls and I had fun watching :)