Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy Birthday to You...and You...and You

It was a busy weekend a couple of weekends ago in which the girls and I got to celebrate three birthdays in 24 hours...guess it's just a preview of the future...

Kennedy's 4th birthday - complete with Snow White and Sponge Bob.  J loved her princess look-a-like, but Sponge Bob was enough to end the party for E.  Have to admit he looked a little freaky :)

Later that afternoon we got to celebrate our Chickie's 3rd birthday.   Oh my goodness was E a happy little girl to spend time with all her JoAnn buddies - especially her Chickie :)

Chickie and Elle Belle

On Sunday we celebrated Jimmy's 10th birthday.  Can't believe that kid has entered double digits :)  We don't have any pictures of the party but here's a pic of him and his mommy for posterity's sake.

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