Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hi...My name is Chubby Wubby

6-month checkup went great!  C weighed in at an impressive 19 lbs. 3.5 oz (92 percentile) and 27 inches (86 percentile).  Her cousin Emmy just had her 9-month checkup and charted at the 10th percentile for her weight...combine the two little girls and we've 100% of baby weight :)

E came with us and painted her nails while the pediatrician checked the baby out.  I'm just sure the doctor was super impressed I'm letting my kids walk around with nail polish.  Oh well, you do what you have to do to keep some smiles around. 

On a side note, day 4 of potty training and we've yet to have a successful 'pee pee' in the potty.  Good times...

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