Sunday, June 5, 2011


we headed up to lima last weekend to visit friends and had a great little vacation.  russ played in a golf tournament supporting a friend in need of a kidney transplant on saturday and then we played until the drive home on monday.  we stayed with some great friends who also have a 5-year old daughter so j and e were well entertained.

it was great to see everyone on our yearly visit to ohio.  j and e are more and more comfortable with the other kids each time we go and little miss c just adores jeremy and liza (who refers to as 'nana'?!?!?!).  our one low point all weekend...j was convinced there was a killer cat hiding under the house and absolutely, positively, 100% refused to go outside.  we had pure hysteria on our hands.  it was ridiculous.  HOURS later, when everyone had given up on reasoning and trying to explain that the stray cat had left the yard and was not to be seen, i just picked her up and took her outside.  held her on my lap for about an hour (against her will) and then, wouldn't you know it, as soon as one of her sisters got hurt from playing too rough she was good to go and i was able to go fix that problem :)  love that kid to death but told her if she ever asked for a cat again i might go nuts on her....seriously.  no cats for this family.  ever. 

on a completely random note...russ was really enjoying the fact that he was in ohio, staying at a buckeye fan's home, when it was announced Tressel resigned from Ohio State.  Go Blue!!!!!

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