Sunday, June 5, 2011

the official end of j's preschool years....

this was the end of labeling my oldest as a "preschooler"....exciting and sad at the same time :)  next year we officially enter the elementary years!!  j is super excited but it's hit her that while kindergarten is going to be super cool, she's also leaving her teachers of the last two years and all her friends.  she had two years of school with most of the same kids and unfortunately she will be moving to her elementary school with only one little friend.  who's not going to be in her class.  total bummer.  she is child who enjoys consistency and "change" is not to her liking.  sorry kiddo.  get ready for a whole new world :)

towards the end of school her class had a little music/art show.  i was able to go watch without the little's (thanks mom) so i could actually pay attention and take a few pictures!  here she is in all her glory!!!


After the show we headed outside for a picnic and games....

j and her best buddies comparing popsicles.  each one is heading to different

and then finally the last day of school....j thought it was totally cool that the whole family was there.  we were heading out of town so the car was packed and we were ready to hit the road.  fun for russ to get to pick her up. 

lining up for the last time... 

j and Ms. Pam.  lordy this lady was wonderful for our j.  we are so sad she is retiring this year but good gracious...after 20+ years of teaching preschool she deserves some rest!!!!

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