Wednesday, September 28, 2011

and the countdown begins...

had my last dr. appt today and we are scheduled to induce this little guy on wed. oct. 5!!!!  a week from today we will become a family of 6.  i am SO EXCITED!!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

getting our last bit of fun in before baby boy arrives :)

we are on official countdown before this little baby arrives and with the two big girls in school mon-thurs afternoon i've tried to do something fun on friday morning for the past couple of weeks.  last friday we headed to the magic house for special "member only" play.  it was awesome - we were practically the only kids in the children's village.  no field trips, no crazy weekend crowds.  my kids could run around and i could be relatively confident that i wouldn't lose anyone :)

today we headed to the zoo.  we invited grandma with us because 1) she's fun to do things with :) and 2) i admit to being a wee bit nervous about heading to the zoo 38 weeks pregnant with a 5, 4, and almost 2 year old.  thanks for coming grandma!!

it was the first day baby asian elephant "kenzi" was out in the river's edge for everyone to see.  she was the cutest little thing ever.  all my girls were crazy over her :) 

after watching the elephant's we headed over to stingray cove for the first time ever.  petting stingrays must have been a topic of conversation a couple of weeks ago in kindergarten but j has been very interested in seeing the stingrays for the first time ever.  in the past they were just happy as could be to pass by without looking twice. i have to say it was so cool!  of course j kind of put the brakes on and wasn't so sure and e would have been just fine staying far away, but that little c of mine was the first to get her hand in there to pet the stingrays :)  once grandma, c and I spent some time petting them j decided she was going to be brave and put her hand in the water.  it takes a while, but if you're patient and don't stress she is so willing to try things.  it was such a good reminder for me to try and remain PATIENT and POSITIVE and all will be GOOD in the long run!!!!  the best i could pull off with e is some intent watching and a couple of times her fingers actually hit the water - just not when there were any animals around :) 

to top off the stingray exhibit, we were there during feeding time and even though j was totally interested, there was no way she was going to hold raw fish in her hands and so big chicken that i am stepped up and fed those stingrays.  ugh.  not my thing.  holding raw fish pieces between my fingers so they could slide over slurp up.  gross.  and once i truly thought i was going to lose a finger :)  told the girls after that i was glad i tried it because it's important to try new things but that mommy probably would NOT be doing that again!!

before you knew were were out of time...wound our way out of the zoo and got to the car just as the rain started falling.  drove through mcdonald's and got j to school just as they were lining up.  talk about timing.

what should be do next week?  should be last friday before this little guy arrives!!!!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

this child of mine...

what are we going to do with her????

here she is pretending to walk like "grandma"....with a cane...where did she ever get this idea?  both grandma's walk with a spring in their step :)

here she is after her sisters got her all dressed for dance class...only she's two years too young.  she is determined to get into someone's class someday.  she doesn't care if it's dance, preschool or kindergarten, she is ready to be a big kid!!

here she is on a pony at the st. lucas ice cream social this afternoon....her sisters thought she should go problem.  in fact, don't even bother holding on dad, i'm ready to take this pony on a ride, or two, or three :)

Watch out world...E turns 4!!!

so my peanut turned four years old in august.  not sure where the time has gone but she is getting big on me :)  she is such a sweet little thing with a hint of stubborness in her!  for breakfast we went to krispy kreme in our pj's.  she thought it was so cool not to have to get dressed and loves watching the donuts being made.

I asked her a couple of weeks before her big day what she wanted to do for her birthday and she suggested we take two of her friends to monkey joes.  and to take them to mcdonalds for lunch and then drive them home in the van...why that was such a big deal i'll never know but one of the best parts of her birthday "party" was having 6 girls in the van (poor russ - as if he's not out-numbered enough).

her actual birthday was on friday so she had her first two days of school and then was off for her actual birthday.  it turned out great.  that evening we had russ' parents, the barrett boys and my parents over for pizza and cookie cake.  grandpa was working at an offsite job so he wasn't able to make it, but we were fortunate to have great nana and just by chance aunt karen in town for a visit.  it was great evening playing and celebrating family style :)

Friday, September 16, 2011

school's cool...before i forget!

so the start of school has gone fantastically!!!  i was starting to get stressed about my future kindergartener and preschooler until the first day of school when they went running in to their classes and never looked back.  grandma stayed with C and i had asked Russ to meet us at school.  pregnancy hormones and the chance of having two unwilling to go to school and I really wanted some back-up...happily, it was completely unwarranted but still nice to have hime there!  I have been thrilled with the school and teachers and feel like my girls are thriving.  Amen!!

they are both in afternoon school so we have our mornings to take it easy (which is a good thing for us), run an errand, play, whatever.  By 11:30 it's time to start thinking about lunch and getting ready for school.  Off we go to school for the big girls and C and I head home so she (we) can nap for a couple hours before it's time to pick everyone up...not too exciting but it's nice to have a schedule :)

a few funny stories about miss j...

a couple of weeks into school j told me about how during story time a little boy would leave her alone and kept trying to tickle her so finally she turned around and gave him her "mad face" (good lord) and that after she kept trying to get him to stop....and i quote..."mom, i had had ENOUGH!" (heaven help me).  uh...j, what did you do next???  "i raised my hand i told mrs. s and she told him to stop and apologize!!!"  great.

yesterday was our first early dismissal day so afternoon kindergarten goes in the morning and stays through lunch. it was a bit different for us and j walked into school by herself for the first time.  i saw the new principal at the main entrance so i figured she would be well taken care of....after pick up we were talking and j says..."mom, my principal says whenever she sees me I just make her day!"  i bet you darlin'...i just bet you do :)