Sunday, September 18, 2011

Watch out world...E turns 4!!!

so my peanut turned four years old in august.  not sure where the time has gone but she is getting big on me :)  she is such a sweet little thing with a hint of stubborness in her!  for breakfast we went to krispy kreme in our pj's.  she thought it was so cool not to have to get dressed and loves watching the donuts being made.

I asked her a couple of weeks before her big day what she wanted to do for her birthday and she suggested we take two of her friends to monkey joes.  and to take them to mcdonalds for lunch and then drive them home in the van...why that was such a big deal i'll never know but one of the best parts of her birthday "party" was having 6 girls in the van (poor russ - as if he's not out-numbered enough).

her actual birthday was on friday so she had her first two days of school and then was off for her actual birthday.  it turned out great.  that evening we had russ' parents, the barrett boys and my parents over for pizza and cookie cake.  grandpa was working at an offsite job so he wasn't able to make it, but we were fortunate to have great nana and just by chance aunt karen in town for a visit.  it was great evening playing and celebrating family style :)

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