Monday, November 16, 2009
Sweet Baby C

Sunday, November 15, 2009
C's original due date was Oct. 18 but with the size of E (10 pounds even) and an ultrasound that was measuring her full term at 37 weeks we decided to go ahead and induce. Russ and I got the call from the hospital at 7:30 in the evening to head in to the hospital which, as you can only imagine, was not great timing as two little girls were in the tub, wanted their normal bedtime routine and were completely thrown off by mom and dad leaving for the night. But Grandma Sandy had come up for the night and stayed with the girls while we started our journey in meeting this little baby.
To our surprise, once we got checked in at the hospital the Dr. called with orders and didn't want to do much until the morning. A little disappointing to say the least but we knew whatever happened would be well worth it in the end! They started me on a low dose of pitocin that evening and then didn't do much the rest of the night. Russ and I tried to get some rest and at 6am we got the party started...things went smoothly and once they broke my water, administered an epidural and about 10 minutes of pushing resulted in the Cottle Tri-fecta!! Our third little girl was born!
By an interesting twist of fate, Grandpa L was our only family representation in Labor and Delivery! It turns out he was in between job sites and stopped by to see how things were going. It was so special for us to have him at the hospital waiting to meet our new baby. We've always had lots of family anxiously waiting at the hospital for the arrival of our sweet babies, but this time around the girls required some family help :) Grandma and Poppy were at home with E, Grandma L was on a field trip to the pumpkin patch with J, the Barrett family was at school/work and the Schwab family (who were able to plan a special trip to STL around the time C was due) was in KC visiting some friends. So....while most of the family was busy during the day, it was only a matter of hours until C had met almost her entire family.
J and E have been fantastic big sisters and we can't wait to see what our new addition brings to the family :)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Locks of Love
Monday, September 7, 2009
Fun In The Lou
This Labor Day weekend we enjoyed ourselves at a friend's bbq, Sunday spent at Grandma and Poppy's and on Monday we took the girls down to the Boathouse for some paddle boating. Russ definitely had his work cut out for him - paddling all of us most of the time. J helped some (in her own beautiful way :)) and I paddled when I wasn't being smothered by children. He definitely got a good workout in today!!
We wrapped up our outing with lunch at Fitz's where E got to experience her first root beer!! It was a huge hit :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Just Hanging Out...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
J is off to Preschool!!
Here's a before - school pic from the first day
And we still have smiles when I picked her up!!! (along with a little pink glue all over her shirt - which I was a-ok with since it shows she participated in class!)
J and her HSM Wildcats pose...what to do with a 3 year old obsessed with Troy and Gabriella?!?!
Can you tell E is ready for school herself? She is going to hate an August birthday for a bit....the girls were arguing in the car on Sunday over who's school it was. E would really like to stay with the big kids :) I keep telling her someday...
My Baby Turned Two...
It makes me wonder what kind of mother I am, but have to admit that I did not get any pictures of her actual birthday. She got to spend the day with Grandma, Poppy, Mickey and J since Russ and I had to work. We got home early and took her to one of her favorite activities - swimming and happy meals :) Grandma L met us at the pool so the girls could show off their swimming skills. It was a great day for her. Reportedly, she barely napped - it was as if she new it was her day to party like a rockstar!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
A Quick Shout Out to Russ
Yes - this is a picture of an 8 year old skating right past the old man...he's still not sure how they go that fast on ice :)
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