Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Big Girl

At the end of December, my big girl turned 4...I can hardly believe how time has flown.  Not only is she a whopping 4 years old, she has two little sisters.  I know we expect so much out of her as "the oldest" but I am so proud of her in so many ways.  She has welcomed each sister in this family with pure joy and excitement.  I am sure she does not ever remember life before E and soon will harly remember a time when it was just the four of us...J is such a sweet, bubbly little thing who, even though she would live in a world of pretend if possible, stops whatever she is doing to grab a pacifier for C or help E open a yogurt.  She is my helper 100 times a day and I hope she knows how very much I appreciate every act of kindness 

She has fallen in love with school and we can see that little mind of hers making all sorts of connections every minute of every day.  She loves doing "experiments" and measuring and writing and reading.  The Pretend area in school is a commercial bakery these days (had a field trip to the Schnucks bakery and all) and the other day when I picked her up she was covered in flour from head to toe.  They had been making wedding cakes and she had to make them super quick for all her customers.  She was so unsure at the beginning of the year and it just squeezed my heart a little to see her blossoming at school.

She had her 4 year old check up this week (yes, I am about 2 months behind on these things but it still got done) and she is a peanut at 33 lbs and 39 inches.  It seems so big and so small at the same time.  She has a ways to go before a booster seat can even be considered (something we are really interested in these days) but the good news is she put 4 lbs on this past year.  I told her I she won't have to go to kindergarten in a 5 point harness.  I figure that is good enough for now :)

J, E and I have had this recurring argument lately - seems we all want to marry daddy!  J has decided the following should occur:

Grandpa walks J down the aisle, she gets to marry Daddy
Daddy walks E down the aisle, she gets to marry Grandpa
Daddy walks me down the aisle, I get to marry Poppy

Let's see what she thinks in another 20 years :)

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