Monday, February 15, 2010

November 2009 Randomness

There are two things I remember vividly about November: 1) a gorgeous weekend in which we loaded the girls and played outside for a couple of hours and 2) Thanksgiving.

Here is our day at the park. It really was one of those days that you just love being a mom and watching your girls have pure, simple FUN!!

We also had a really nice Thanksgiving. We spent most of the day with the Lowry side and then headed over to the Barrett's to say hi and have some pumpkin pie.  Grandma and Poppy were in DC so we gave them a quick call to say Happy Thanksgiving.  Not many pictures of the day, my hands always seem to be full these days.  Here are my two favorite:

Here are Grandma and J making the gravy...Grandma was very brave in letting our J give it a try.  She is our budding chef and thought it was so cool to get to add the flour and water.  Two minutes after this picture was taken she knocked the bowl over and they started all over...more fun for her!!!

Great Grandpa holding baby C....need I say more?

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