Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Quick Look at the Birthday

So this birthday 3 days after Christmas is not the best timing ever.  This year we decided to have a small family party with just a few family friends at the house.  Well, turns out the stomach flu was going around STL around Christmas so it really turned into a family party with the Remmings joining in on the fun.  She had a great time but I can tell she is ready for a birthday party with school friends next year.  She will be 5 so I think it will be a good year to have a fun birthday bash.

On her actual birthday, Russ took off work and Grandma came over to watch the Little's so we could take J to her first movie in the movie theater.  It was a great hit and she loved Princess and the Frog.  E - well, not so thrilled to be left behind.  After the movie, we came back home and got all the girls to go to Red Robin's for dinner.  This seems to be the place for birthdays (at least according to J).  She had a great time and got a special sundae and birthday song.  She loved having the attention while her mom still got splotchy at everyone staring :)

That kid has got some CRAZY hair!!!!!

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