Tuesday, August 24, 2010


My 2nd baby girl turned 3 last week.  It is so hard for me to imagine her becoming more of a "kid" than a "toddler"...but she's running towards that direction so I best hurry and keep up with her :)

My Elle Belle was born August 19th, two days after her due date, in which I basically forced this baby to be born.  On a Sunday morning I decided she was cooked and we were going to meet this little peanut.  We went to the hospital where my L&D nurse took one look at me and said, "wow!!  you're huge!"  I am not kidding.  Is that what any 9-month pregnant woman wants to hear???  My E was born 8 hours later weighing in at a whopping 10 lbs. even.  A healthy little girl :)

We brought this baby girl home and we had a one and a half year old and a newborn baby and I didn't know how I was going to do it...what I found out was that God blessed us with one of the easiest newborns I've known.  I kid you not when I say this sweet baby slept the first 4 months of her life.  And when she wasn't sleeping she was happy!  She was a good sleeper, good eater, she was my prayers answered.  We cruised through the next year as the girls grew and flourished...and then my sweet E developed her very own personality :)

Today there are parts of this little girl that completely surprise me and there are parts of her that are me reincarnated.  She has the sweetest, most pure voice and is quite the talker.  She is truly easy to please.  She is so grateful for the smallest prize, treat, kiss, you name it.  For her birthday she wanted a cookie cake with pink and sprinkles.  So I ordered a cookie cake with pink and sprinkles.  We go to pick it up and the baker opens the box to show her.  E sees her cookie cake with pink and sprinkles, looks up at the baker and with all sincerity says, "Oh Thank You...It's just perfect"...and my heart melts.  She asks if someday she can ride a horse and I say, "We can do that someday" and she says "Oh Thank you Mommy, Thank you!!"  Not when, how, why not now...just thank you. 

And then there's the little bit of stinker in her that makes her E.  Getting in trouble doesn't bother her.  Her older sister gets in trouble and immediately starts crying and the 'I'm sorries"...little E gets in trouble and looks at you like "bring it...what's the worst you can do"...she plays independently for hours and hours and can get caught up in her pretend world.  There are days when I'm not allowed to call her by her name because she is "MOM"   She is STUBBORN.  She is determined to be one of the big kids.  I like to think that as she grows up she will be immune to peer pressure and will think for herself.  She will want something and nothing will be able to stop her.  She will be a go-getter :)

And just to remember that she's 3....she's scared of bugs in the car and will cover her eyes and scream until you stop the car and get rid of it - doesn't matter if it's on the inside or outside of the car....she's scared of car washes...she's past being scared of big dogs but little dogs, well, don't even think about it...one of her favorite sayings "good save mom, good save"....she is my early riser and will stand next to the bed staring until you can feel someone watching you (it's her)....she is fantastic at driving a Power Wheels car - turning, reversing, 3-point turns, you name it....she will never forget the time I fell in a pothole while holding her - I swear this little girl watches where I step better than I do...she loves her sisters and so far enjoys being stuck in the middle :)

She is my Elle Belle.  

I love you sweet girl and can not wait to see how you grow this coming year!!!  (P.S. I am hoping you grow out of your fear of bugs and car washes :))  XOXOXO

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Elle Belle

More to write later, but today is my E's birthday...my sweet Elle Belle turned 3 today and I don't have one picture to capture the day.  Full of Krispy Kreme, the park, the carousel, swimming, McDonald's, and a dollhouse she absolutely fell in love with...the camera battery is completely dead and guess who can't find the charger?!?!  I love you sweetheart and this is in no way a result of you being the middle child!!!!!!!

Second Year of Preschool

J started her second year of preschool this week.  WOW.  What a difference from last year.  There's still a little hesitation over meeting new kids and being in unfamiliar situations, but she is a year older and a year wiser :)....J bopped on into class this year and seemed to have a great day.  I am hoping for a fantastic year!!!  We are going 3 days a week and I can already tell a routine is going to take a little getting used to....

Yes...someday my children will ask me WHY did you post these pictures...and I will answer honestly..."because you did not cooperate and let me take the picture I wanted"...I have determined it is be impossible to get a decent picture of a 4, 3 and almost 1 year old for quite a while.  Bear with me.

Here's a peek into our every day

And Yes!!!! these were all pics taken in the last month (that would be August)...can you tell we don't dress for the weather :)

Chi-Town...Woo Hoo

Russ and I took the girls to Chicago for the weekend a couple of weeks ago and had an incredible time.  Friends of ours have the most amazing condo in Chicago and we were able to stay there for the weekend and take full advantage of the city.  All I can say is WOW....lakefront view, 34th floor overlooking Navy Pier...I repeat WOW.  The girls were loving living the high life :)  On a personal note, a condo is such the way to go with three small children - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, complete kitchen where we ate breakfast and had pizza delivered one night, a place for Russ and I to hang out after the kids fell asleep...I mean I could go on and on and on....

Get ready for a montage of pictures to recap the weekend... Shedd Aquarium, Navy Pier, Millenium Park, Rainforest Cafe, Grant Park, Pizza with friends, a boat ride (in the rain), fireworks, checked out the filming of Transformers, Rick Shaw ride (Russ and J), taxi cab rides, lunch at The Greens at Grant Park (while listening to Lollapalooza)...the list goes on and on!!!

Happy Birthday Joey B

The end of July was Joey's birthday and he had an awesome party at the Gateway Grizzlies.  Such a family friendly place the girls, Russ and I had a super night.  Joey got to throw out the first ball, the girls had their face (arm) painted, hot dogs, cupcakes, playground, and oh yeah...a baseball game :)

Check out that form!!!

C hanging out with the "big kids"

E loved her "kitty cat" (and I loved that she chose to have it painted on her arm instead of her cheek!!)

Cupcakes aren't messy...nope, not at all...

Just about the perfect spot for little girls to watch baseball.  They actually found it interesting at times!

The girls love playing with their Joey

5, 6, 7, 8....

So dance class didn't go over so well last year.  I'm chalking it up to J's first year of school, a baby sister entering the family, yadda yadda...We lasted through September and October and then decided to wait another year before trying again.  This summer  both the big girls were able to take a week dance camp at the studio where they will start fall classes.  It was kind of a "trial run" to see if they were ready to boogie :)

E on "Olivia" day...she loved her Red Bow!

The girls got to be partners for the day...too much fun together

J next to a little friend with matching leotards

E showing off the "Yellow Brick Road"

I think they had fun!!!!