Thursday, August 19, 2010

Second Year of Preschool

J started her second year of preschool this week.  WOW.  What a difference from last year.  There's still a little hesitation over meeting new kids and being in unfamiliar situations, but she is a year older and a year wiser :)....J bopped on into class this year and seemed to have a great day.  I am hoping for a fantastic year!!!  We are going 3 days a week and I can already tell a routine is going to take a little getting used to....

Yes...someday my children will ask me WHY did you post these pictures...and I will answer honestly..."because you did not cooperate and let me take the picture I wanted"...I have determined it is be impossible to get a decent picture of a 4, 3 and almost 1 year old for quite a while.  Bear with me.

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