Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Crafty Side...

My craftiness is about non-existant.  LOVE everything I see others do but when it comes down to it, well, I don't have it in me to come up with crafty ideas and if I try and replicate someone else's crafty ideas they usually turn out a little....unusual.  Maybe because I let a 4 and 3 year old participate and they have a way of taking over???  Well, we can put the blame on them regardless :)

I mentioned it in my last post but this weekend we are headed to Memphis for the St. Jude's marathon to watch Russ run.  There are about 10-15 people from JL running and many are bringing their whole families.  Dinner reservations for Saturday night is for 45 people ranging from 1 - 50 years old!  It is bound to be an incredible experience. 

Anyways I'm sure I made some comment in passing to J about supporting daddy with "go daddy go" t-shirts or posters but I should have remembered she has a very focused memory and wouldn't you know it...we are not leaving the Lou without personalized t-shirts.

Cool.  Great idea J.  I'm on it...except there's nothing out there that I like.  And then I realized we are coming up to Christmas and J's birthday and we just don't have the $$ to throw around having shirts embroidered, especially if they are going to wear it for one special day.  Do It Myself????  Is it possible???  Well, I gave it a go and have to say I think they turned out pretty cute - and for less than $10 a shirt!

The girls are so proud of their daddy and I am so excited (and nervous) to take them to see such an amazing event.  Thousands of people running to support an incredible organization.  At the same time, how in the world am I going to explain this to my girls??  How to get across the *good* of St. Jude without exposing them to the *sadness* of cancer...with kids...and the fight for a cure??

We will do it. And they will be better for it. 

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