Wednesday, November 3, 2010

E's Quiet Time...

My little E decided over the summer that naps are completely unnecessary for a big girl like herself.  Not even 3 years old and they were completely boycotted?!?!  Why in the world would a person do that to herself?  Me...I would LOVE someone to tell me it was time to get in bed for a couple of hours each afternoon.  I'll give her one point...sure makes bedtime a lot easier :)  There were many a night this summer E fell asleep at the dinner table. 

We have moved on from that for the most part.  She has resolved herself (after a couple of really rough "quiet times") that she has to stay upstairs, in her room, quiet, for one hour.  And she does a pretty good job.  She waits for me to come get her most days, except eventually the lack of sleep catches up with her and there are days when she actually falls asleep.  **Yea!!  She will be well-rested and that stubborn little person that takes over my sweet child will disappear for another 4-5 days!**  But she's obstinate and will not admit defeat - which means she won't get in bed and fall asleep comfortably.  We have found her asleep lined up against the wall, in the upstairs hall, she's blocked her bedroom door by falling asleep in positions that prevent us from opening the door and today was the best one by far...the top stair.  Good thing she stayed still.  Rolling down the stairs would NOT have been a good way to wake up!!

So I go check on her tonight and, yep, sound asleep in the hallway...sweet dreams baby girl!!!

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