Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

Wow...what a great holiday weekend!  Feel like there is still lots to get done but when I look back on the weekend, it was a whirlwind of productivity!
  • Tuesday we spent the afternoon making Turkeys for everyone at our Thanksgiving dinner...turned out cute but lots of cutting for mom and lots of gluing for the girls.  Have to say I was pretty impressed that my big girls stayed focused on the project for 2 straight hours.  Never expected all the great help (note a hint of sarcasm??  the did great but well, they're 3 and 4.5)
  • Wednesday the big girls went down to Grandma and Poppy's with the Barrett's.  Gotta say life with just one little stinker is pretty sweet  :)
  • Thursday we headed down to Terre du Lac to meet up with the family and celebrate all we have to be thankful for.  We had a great day with the Cottle clan.
  • Got a little Christmas shopping done late Thursday night and a bit Friday morning (online at night and not CRAZY early...just early enough to get some good deals :))
  • Christmas tree and decorations up on Friday!!!!
  • Saturday was Michigan v Ohio State day.  Bummer of a game but the girls had fun making signs for daddy.
  • We also managed to fit in a little Tangled Friday afternoon.  E's first movie and she says she had fun.  Honestly, we had no idea what she was thinking - the kid was a statue for 1 hour and 52 minutes.  She was either completely enthralled or a deer in headlights.
  • Sunday morning we joined St. Lucas UCC.  We are thrilled to become part of our new church family. 
  • Outdoor lights up Sunday afternoon!
  • Headed up to Jimmy's hockey game Sunday night hoping to see a great game....Turned out to not be a winner, but love our #6 Shark!!!
We've got a few days here in STL and later this week will be heading down to Memphis for the St. Jude Marathon.  Russ is going to have a great run, we are going to support an amazing cause and the girls are going to have a fun "mini holiday" at The Peabody! 

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