Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Day Sledding

so i think i am going to have to break up the last week into a few posts...starting with christmas day sledding, not because it was the most important moment of the holidays but because the pics are downloaded off the camera and well, I'm tired :)

to back up a bit, we had christmas at home this year with grandma and poppy, the barrett's, grandma and grandpa and mama moe.  it was great fun and we had the perfect amount of snow to go sledding with the kids.  C lasted through presents and the the big kids hit the awesome hills in the neighborhood!!

snow angels in the making

sledding with daddy

joey successfully sledding downhill :)

now he has to walk back up the hill...

russ attempting snow boarding.  don't ask.

all the fun

jimmy attempting the snowboard.  a little more successfully

e says 'bring it'...she's ready to sled this year!!

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