Tuesday, December 28, 2010

christmas eve

we had an early church service on christmas eve and then headed over to grandma and grandpa's with great grandpa for dinner and presents.  it was a great, relaxing evening.  for the first time in several years we headed home (yea!!) to put cookies out for santa and leave reindeer food on the front yard.  loved getting to see my girls do these traditions since in the past they have fallen asleep on the way down to grandma and poppys and miss out on tracking santa, etc. 

we knew the barrett's were coming christmas eve to spend the night but not until late so we put c to bed and told the girls they could fall asleep in mom and dad's room.  even have a little show on.  j gave up pretty quickly and went to sleep - she was exhausted but e, well, the little scrapper stayed awake until everyone got to the house.  i'd say she probably crashed around 10:30.  i was ready to fall asleep around that time also :)

spent some time visiting and then got to sleep asap so that santa could come!!!!

e loves her dip...blue cheese and all.

j diggin' her new watch.  pink is so cool :)

yes, i included a pic of myself (bc i'm lovin' my new wine glasses!!)

j handing out heavy presents...the girls love their great grandpa

c just could not keep those little hands off grandpa's train set...

ready for bed but not falling to sleep for hours. and hours. and hours.

reindeer food!

picking out cookies for santa.  yummy.

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