Wednesday, December 29, 2010

christmas day

all i can say is 'wow'.  loved having christmas at our house this year.  both sets of grandparents.  all the barrett's.  crazy fun.  probably one of my all time favorite christmas'.  i have always wanted to have christmas at home (like i did growing up) and russ has always wanted to have christmas with family (like he did growing up).  so this year, both of best worlds!!!  everyone was healthy.  everyone was happy.  we were well blessed.

waiting to see if santa came!!!

yep.  lots of good girls and boys this year :)

c loves her joe joe

cousins.  can you believe mickey is only two months older???

j hugging her new pink golf clubs.  she thinks she may give up baseball and focus on golf.  smart choice at 5 years old :)

c lovin' her new train... 

the girls and their pillow pets

post sledding christmas: chillin' around the house

j and grandma practicing her needlepointing

a little toy story kerplunk

the boys and their football cards

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