isn't that the most pitiful site?!?!?!
about 6 weeks ago russ was giving cobb a little attention and saw that one of his ears was swollen. almost like a puffy pocket on his ear flap. strange. so we took him to the vet and they said it was a hematoma and needed to be drained. poor guy. they took care of it and had his head wrapped. he had a check-up in a week and wouldn't you know it...the darn thing came back.
so...week 2 at the vet and this time they put him under and basically sliced his ear open and cauterized all the vessels in his ear so none of them could bleed. poor baby. he had to have his head wrapped (because he kept bleeding) and was sent home with a huge e-collar, or lampshade as my girls call it, for 3 weeks. one week post-op we had a check-up and they ended up keeping him for about 4 days because his ear wouldn't stop bleeding. turns out he had an infection in his other ear and they think it was itching so much that he kept shaking and making the "trouble ear" bleed. and supposedly this is all because of allergies. ugh.......
post-op week 3 check-up and he's looking great. they remove the stitches and he's officially lampshade free!! this lasts for less than 6 days until he goes out back for 10 minutes, rolls in the grass, shakes off the morning dew and pops another vessel. within 30 minutes that darn ear was all puffed up again. damn it. seriously. damn it.
he got to go back to the vet on monday, they did the surgery AGAIN and when it was time for russ to pick him up that evening...yep, he went crazy again and started bleeding all over the place. they kept him over night and i picked him up on tuesday. he's in the lampshade for another 3 weeks. let's hope this is the end of it. but seriously, not holding my breath...
btw, each time russ has picked him up after the surgery cobb's ear has started bleeding like crazy. the vet's best answer...when that silly dog see's russ his blood pressure sky-rockets and he gets excited so excited the ear goes crazy. he doesn't get to pick him up anymore. doesn't happen when i pick him up :)
i feel so bad for this dog. he's so sweet and just can't catch a break with this ear lately. he really has been a good patient but this is seriously reeking havoc on my family. j has decided she should be his nursemaid and is the first to get after him for shaking or trying to scratch his ear. c is mesmerized by the collar and can't stay away from him. i am just waiting for him to say "enough!!" and snap at her. hope he doesn't, but wouldn't blame him at times. e....well, the poor kid has been traumatized. she won't go near him. is all jumpy around him and man should you see this kid when she has to come with me to the vet for a check-up. he has to sit in the front seat with me and there have been moments of pure hysteria at the vet's office. it's exhausting.....
a couple of typical scenarios at my house these days...
would you leave that poor doggie alone?!?!
how she sits whenever he would think he was contagious :)
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