Wednesday, January 11, 2012

december 2011

christmas this year was great...we got the house decorated thanksgiving weekend.  lights on the outside of the house and everything.  we celebrated december 1st with the arrival of both Cheeky the elf and the good deed jar.  cheeky arrived with krispy kreme donuts (thoughtful little guy :)) and the good deed jar went over well again.  over the month we did something every day - simple things like give your sisters and brother a hug, draw a picture for a friend, etc. to more "exciting" things like drop off flowers at a nursing home, take donuts to the fire station, donate something to an animal shelter, even surprise daddy with lunch.  it was great fun :)

one of our christmas highlights every year is the kids christmas party at russ' work.  the girls get along great with all the other kids and probably the highlight of the evening is a visit, complete with presents, from santa.  our little 2 year old could hardly contain herself when santa started passing out presents!  check out that smile :)

the big girls did great also....didn't need to sit on his lap, but we've come a LONG way from the years of tears and anguish over santa

and baby w...well, he did great too.  check out how he spent his evening.

can not believe that baby slept through the screaming and running and wii playing and pizza eating and laughing and all that good stuff

we finished off our month of christmas parties and prep with an evening at some old family friends.  we had a great time and were out much later than anticipated.  all the kids did great....i probably wouldn't have mentioned in my post except we started snapping pictures before we left the house and ended up with some good christmas card are a couple of my favorites.  each of them reminds me how blessed we are to have this amazing family...

my big girls - 6 (almost) and 4 years are so precious to both have welcomed another distraction into your daily life with such grace, love, and patience.  thank you for being AMAZING daughters and big sisters.   

my little 2 year old...who doesn't want to look at the are an amazing little firecracker

what can I say....I just love this pic.  E loves her baby bro even she sometimes reminds me she really wanted another sister (is she crazy or what?!?!)

the men in my life...

still not looking at the camera, but you are sure sweet.  

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