Friday, January 13, 2012

christmas 2011

we had a great christmas eve and day...we started at church christmas eve....i'll say overall it went well.  middle of nap time, all 6 of us plus my parents in church, an hour and 15 minutes, we did it.  my parents and grandpa came over for christmas eve dinner, we opened presents from grandma and grandpa and got ready for santa's visit :)

christmas morning arrived before we knew it.  russ and i got to bed at a "reasonable" time and w slept through until about 5:30ish and fell right back to sleep.  my parents came over around 7:00 and believe it or not all the girls were still asleep.  j and e woke up around 7:30 so we compromised and told them they could come downstairs to open stockings but that were going to wait to open presents until c was awake.  they were so cute trying not to look at the christmas tree as they came down the stairs.  even walked through the dining room and kitchen to the family room so they didn't have to turn towards the tree.  more restraint than i would have had at 6 and 4!!!

we finally woke c up around 8:00.  she was one tired little girl but once she saw what was going on she came alive :)

we spent the morning opening presents, my parents headed off to church, we finished up, had our traditional egg casserole, mimosa breakfast complete with monkey bread and a little happy birthday jesus.  for the afternoon we headed down to russ' parents to spend the afternoon/evening with his whole family. 

christmas eve

c turning into a cow girl...hee haw.

e and her twins.  she's named them lollipop and michael?!?!

j and her kanani doll.  she has wanted this "doll of the year" since she visited the AG store in Chicago last january.  she just had to have her before she was gone forever!!!

christmas morning...santa came!!!!

big girls trying not to peek and see what santa it!

we finally woke up little bit...she was exhausted.

didn't take long for her to see it was worth it :)

e's favorite gift...a booster seat.  i guess she took it as a sign that she is truly getting "big"

j loved her itouch.  it was so fun for santa to bring something she didn't even know she wanted...she was absolutely thrilled!! 

***so i'm posting about christmas on jan. 13th and just noticed two things***
1) i don't have a single picture of w on his first christmas.  he slept through the morning opening of presents and i guess it just never clicked
2) apparently we didn't take a camera down to grandma and poppy's because there isn't a single picture of the second half of christmas.

so disappointing.  i'm blaming it on the fact that *we have a lot of little people in this family* and *haven't had a solid night's sleep in months (literally)*...all that being said, i guess we are lucky we just forgot the camera and not one of the little persons in our lives!!! (although my parents stopped by the house late afternoon to let the dog out and the lights were on, the back door was unlocked, the breakfast casserole was still sitting on the stove....)

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