Monday, January 23, 2012

my oldest turns 6

j's birthday is a whopping 3 days after her birthday.  i always feel bad for her because i'm afraid the day will get overshadowed by christmas.  and every year her birthday drags out for weeks because we make such a big deal over it :)  i think i am finally learning that it may be odd timing but she is just fine :)  one thing that is wonderful about her birthday is that russ is usually able to take off work, letting us do something as a family...this year we took the big girls to crown candy for lunch.  j has such a sweet tooth we thought she would really enjoy going for a milk shake...oh, and a hot dog and chips :)  our plan was to take j, e and c with us and leave the baby with grandma but c was sure she wanted to play with grandma so we ended up letting her stay and play and take w with us instead.  great decision - we had to wait over an hour (mostly outside) and i know she would have been bored out of her mind!  overall a great day, but really could have planned crown candy a little better...

that evening grandma and poppy took j to pick out a new bike helmet and elbow/knee pads. then we all met up with the barrett's, grandma and poppy and uncle johnny (who just happened to be in town visiting) at one of her favorite places ---- red robin's!!  she loves that place for the simple fact that you get an ice cream sundae :)

we weren't really planning on having a big party for her this year but she was determined to celebrate with friends so we compromised on a pretend slumber party :)  we invited 5 little friends over for a couple of hours on a saturday evening, played, ate pizza and cupcakes and then got out sleeping bags/air mattress turned on a movie and popped popcorn.  all the girls had so much fun and it was great to see her playing with her new school friends.  best part?  parents came at 7:30 for pick-up and everyone still got a good night's sleep :)

i love you my amazing 6 year old...but guess what, it's the middle of january. i'm officially declaring your birthday celebration over. 

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