Monday, February 15, 2010

Playing a little catchup...

So with the arrival of our little C, I have completely ignored posting on the blog.  Determined to write down some memories before I completely forget them, here are the past couple of months in a nutshell!! 

First off - Russ and I took a quick trip to Chicago in September before C arrived. For me it was a relaxing getaway but for Russ, well, he had to run 13.1 miles :)  Here are some pics of the runners...I make a great cheerleader.  We are headed to Nashville in April for another half marathon.  I guess these little trips are our own little getaways (along with 10 other people we work with!)

And then October hit...while it was a crazy month, our girls had a great Halloween.  It was the first year that both girls really enjoyed the pumpkin patch, trick-or-treating, etc.

And yes, in case anyone is wondering - or has an incredible memory - these are the same costumes as last year.  J wanted to be a cat and E didn't really care so with a 2 week old I opened the storage bins in the basement and had costumes checked off the list :)  I'm guessing you'll see new costumes next year!!

1 comment:

Sara D. said...

Jackpot! So excited to catch up with the Cottles this morning!! Um, it looks like the weather for the 2009 Chicago half was a *little* better than 2008!

Hope you guys are doing well and emerging from the coma that is the first few months of parenting a new baby!!! Those girls are so beautiful...I happen to know of a few children who would love to have a playdate?