Saturday, October 23, 2010

Come on Halloween...we've waited for you long enough!!

I enjoy Halloween as much as the next person, but come on already...if feels like we have been waiting FOREVER for this holiday to arrive!  Thankfully we are closer and closer.  This past weekend we headed to the pumpkin patch.  Good times but whoosh...busy with these three little girls.  Guess it didn't help that everyone else in STL had similar thoughts on Sunday afternoon plans :)

This morning was J's Fall party.  We had tons of fun painting pumpkins, playing Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin, Fall Bingo, yak yak.  My most favorite part of the party, by far, was seeing my J in her classroom setting. I can not even begin to express how my heart swelled seeing her so well adjusted and happy at school.  Last year I helped at Fall party and she was attached to my I don't think she even cared who was there :)  She is an absolute hoot. Sooooo chatty.  It cracks me up how comfortable she is in her class - it was so hard for me last year to see this bubbly little girl clam up at school...this year she is shining with personality!! 

Tonight we headed to Grant's Farm for our annual Halloween Dance Party.  Tons of fun although we sure missed the Schwab's {this is the first year they haven't been in STL dancing the night away with us}.  J was by far our rockstar of the evening.  Guess I didn't realize but the kid can do a killer "worm" on the ground :)  E hit a wall early and spent most of the evening resting on me or Grandma.  C was her typical trooper self - clapping and dancing to the beat of the rockin' music.  We wore everyone out and all 3 were asleep before we pulled into the driveway.  And yes, J fell asleep mid-conversation.

Lots of Halloween fun to be had this coming week.  A little trunk or treating at church, a chili dump party at friends and of course neighborhood trick or treating!!  Fingers crossed I will get some pics of our resident Spider Girl, Lady Bug and Little Chick...

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