Thursday, January 6, 2011

7 year old puppy...

some friends of ours had to say good bye to their 11-year old golden retriever today and it got me thinking about my own little buddy.  russ' only male companion in this otherwise female-ruled house :)

my first baby, cobb is one of the best doggies i've ever known.  he is calm, patient, sweet, loving, fun...i could go on and on.  yes, we took him to puppy school but i am serious when i say this dog was born with the best "family dog" personality.  i could not have asked for a better dog to help raise my girls.  they crawl on him, pull on him (at least c does), boss him around and he just goes with it.

i regret that we do not pay more attention to him.  i hate to admit this but, yes, there are times i forget that he's outside when we run out the door (running late as usual for school, church, dance).  and yet when i call his name he comes running with love.  what a good boy.  love you cobbers.

cobb in today's world...

our very first night with cobb....what a little peanut :)

a last edit to the post.  i found a picture of cobb and c.  they are practically best buds these days.  she is almost guaranteed to stop crying if you mention his name :)

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