Tuesday, January 11, 2011

cabin fever averted...thank goodness!!

as forecasted, snow came last night and today was declared a snow day across st. louis.  didn't really affect us much because no one has school on tuesday's to begin with but, well...i admit to going stir crazy when i'm 'stuck' at home.  didn't have anything we needed to do today, but the fact that the roads were bad enough to cancel school and it was darn COLD made me realize we should just settle in for a cozy day at home.  yea!  and ugh....

and then around 7:30 every thing fell into place.  to back up a bit, russ left this morning for a business trip and is travelling with a good friend of ours that has two girls (5 and 7).  they were driving to to indy together and she texted if they could leave a bit later than planned ecause she was scrambling to find someone to watch the girls (what with no school and all).  hello!  here i am with a 5, 3, and 1 year old....bring 'em over and we will play!!!!

she gratefully accepted the offer and we were grateful to have fun company for most of the day.  my big girls had a fantastic time playing with their girls.  we even got to do a little sledding while c was sleeping, came back for a little hot chocolate and tinker bell and we were good to go.  (selfishlessly speaking, one of the best parts of the day was an easy bedtime since they were exhausted from playing so hard.  aaaaahhhhh....peace at last :-))

our biggest problem of the day...my poor little c really wanted to be included in big girl play :)  the girls would run up to their rooms and she would cry at the bottom of the stairs to go with them.  sorry pumpkin, not gonna happen when they bring out the nail polish and make-up, polly pockets, squinkies, you get the picture.  then they would run to the basement and slam the door shut (for safety purposes) and she would hang on the door crying to go down but once again, we're talking barbie shoes, cash register coins, etc.  you get the picture.  they had no desire for me to be included in the play or to be responsible for a 15 month old.  i get it.  she was stuck with boring old mom.  sorry c.

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