Wednesday, January 26, 2011

one last post on memphis...i promise

must have been a little reminiscent this evening.  i was looking back at pictures on my phone and came across some fun memphis pics i never thought to post.  quality is not top notch but they definitely capture some of the good moments :)

the girls on the hill of autozone park.  thank goodness the playground was open for play while russ had his meetings.  it was a great way for everyone to play and spend some time!!

our first night in memphis the girls saw these carriages outside the hotel and we knew we'd never get out of town without taking a ride.  they loved it and felt like real life cinderellas :)  (even though we were out way past bedtime!!)

one of my favorite moments of the weekend.  c and her ducks.  quack quack.

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