Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Before it's too late...a little new year eve recap

i realized tonight january is almost over and i never posted about our fun new years eve.  we didn't really have plans for the night - my personal opinion is that the night is a bit over-rated, overly expensive and i'd rather stay home with my kids where we are all safe and have our own fun in our own little world :)  we got in touch with some friends last minute and they came over from a night of mexican fare and just dance 2.  the girls got the new game for christmas and wow has it been a new hit with everyone in the family!!!  too much fun for kids and adults....seriously.

my biggest issue of the night - darn it, i'm the one with 15 years of dance experience so why is my dear husband (who will admit to little to no rythym) beating the pants off me on every song!!!! 

the kiddos checking out the game for the first time 

j and e doing tik tok.  e's thinking "what in the world??" j's thinking "i think i like this game!!"

jeff and chrissy...so totally funny to watch this in person

the boys doing what j now refers to as the "date song".  feel the love...

our new "just dance" chica...the other kids tired very quickly of dancing but j rocked out with the adults for hours.  she truly is becoming a "kid".  heaven help us!!! 

the girls are getting just dance FOR KIDS on valentine's day.  a few more kid-friendly songs that i am hoping gets e a little more interested.  i know c will go nuts - she's already screaming for possession of the wii remote. 

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