Sunday, May 22, 2011

dance recital 2011

i'm off to get donuts as a surprise for my beautiful ballerina's but have to take a minute to brag on my beautiful girls... the big girls have been in dance class all year and we've been talking recital for months...yesterday was the big day!!

i admit to being nervous pre-show...would they get on stage and do their thing or are they going to look like deer in headlights.  will they even go on stage?!?!  my girls are so tough to read...j was meant for the spotlight but there are moments when the "unknown" causes her to freeze up and not try new things.  e....well, she's three.  a big stage, lights, costume, can all be overwhelming.  i get that.  and on top of all of it...little miss c got to attend two dance recitals in one day. 

what a day.  the forecast called for rain so i was cool with t-ball being cancelled. at least we would have one less thing to fit into the i wake up waiting for sound of rain drops but for a change there was sunshine. to t-ball, home to eat, change and head off to show #1.  elle belle in her first dance recital ever!!!  she was such a peanut.  my heart just squeezed.  she was so precious and did absolutely fantastic.  my goodness i love that girl :)

after show #1 we went out to take pictures in the beautiful weather.  headed home, changed out of show #1, ate, got ready for show #2 and on to j's turn to shine.  and oh wow did that girl shine.  that kid discovered her natural stage talent.  she's such a ham when she loosens up and let's herself enjoy new things.  she did a fantastic job doing her dances and oh my did she enjoy the paparazzi of pictures and flowers after the show.  she was on such a high.  who knows what's in store for her now?!?!?!

on a non-dancing note, my little c ended up at both dance recitals with us.  she loved the music and dancing.  she did great sitting quietly through all of e's recital and was cute as a button.  she was so good i just couldn't resist the plea for water time in the fountain during pictures for show #1.  call me a sucker but she was SO HAPPY and what does a little water hurt?!?!  she's 19 months old.  if we strip her down to a dry diaper for the ride home, who cares?!?!  show #2...different story.  poor kid barely napped, barely ate and was dragged to another recital.  who can blame her.  she lasted for about 8 dances and russ had to take her out.  he got to see all his girls dance and that was the most important thing.  you could just see it in her face...been there, done that, no more.

and on an audience note, we are so blessed to have family live near to us, who care about these girls and their activities.  we had a full house of grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins.  even a great-grandma was able to come watch the show!!  i love the support and unconditional love my girls are learning family provides.  i can guarantee there were three boys in st. louis that were bored out of their mind but they were so excited for the girls and couldn't stop taking pictures of their little ballerina's.  LOVE.

so this supposedly short note turned into a novel.  really am off to get donuts.  pictures will be posted soon.

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