Sunday, May 22, 2011

here's another one...

i tell ya....those 5 year old's really come out with some funny comments.  they are old enough to start seeing the big picture and really say it as they see it :) we drive by a senior living bus/van....
e:  "what's that mom?"
j (who obviously considers her answer as good as mom's!!): "oh, e - see, when you get old and can't live by yourself and can't drive by yourself, then if you're rich you live someplace where that will drive you where ever you want to go..."

funny girl.  i don't have any idea where the concept of "rich" has even come into her vocabulary.  yes, we have talked about all our blessings and how we should help others who have LESS....we've bought cups of coffee for the homeless, etc. but we have NEVER discussed rich vs. poor.   could this truly be a result of peer interation?!?  kind of makes me stress over what she's going to hear/learn next year with her kindergarten/elementary school environment...ugh.   

on a lighter note, my first two thoughts after my "where in the world did that come from?!?!?!" were 1) since great grandpa rides one of those buses on occasion i guess he could qualify as "rich"...wouldn't he get a kick out of that :) and 2) i guess i should start dropping hints that some times it's up to the "old people's" children to support them in that lifestyle :)  let's hope she makes some good life decisions!!!

god bless her. 

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