Wednesday, May 18, 2011

our daily conversations...

we've been busy around here and i haven't had a chance to post much, but i thought i would recap a couple of conversations the girls and i have had this week.  they just make me giggle :)

j (as we drive down 141): "mom, see that ice cream place out your window? i'd like to go there some day.
me: "oh yumy. i'd like to try that too. can i come with you?"
j: sure.  in fact, when i get married we can go there after the wedding and i'll buy everyone ice cream to celebrate.
me: "sounds like a plan.  make sure you mention this to your dad.  he will be thrilled to have a reception at Youngs Fried Chicken and Ice Cream!!!!"

me: "it sounds like there are a bunch of kids from school going to the zoo tomorrow.  we're going to have a great time."
j: "mom, I've got a great idea.  maybe we can break up into two groups so we don't lose anyone."
e: "yeah!  I've got it....all the moms can go in one car and all the kids can go in another!!"
(sounds like a GREAT plan to me :)  i'm still trying to figure out how we could pull that off!!!)

me: "c, are you ready to eat lunch?"
c: "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo."
me: "how about a drink?  are you thirsty?"
c: "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo."
me: "do we need to change your diaper first?"
c: "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo."
you get the picture...

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