Monday, July 12, 2010

Father's Day!!!

Well...what an interesting day this Father's Day turned out to be....

The girls and I had planned for weeks a day of fun for daddy (or at least what they consider a day of fun to be :)).  Church, Grant's Farm, eating outside, playing in the slip n get the picture.  We started off the morning doing well, until we were leaving church.  As we were walking in the parking lot, I was carrying E and was actually mid-conversation about how she was too big to be carried around for no reason and that when we got to Grant's Farm she was going to WALK so that she could enjoy seeing all the animals and that C was going to be in the stroller and that we were going to have FUN doing it, when I stepped into a pothole and wiped out.  I mean pants ripping, ligament tearing fall on hands and knees...wait, strike that, forearm falling because I kept my peanut safe and took myself out in the process.  Ignoring the pain and trying to utilize all my mommy toughness, we continued on to Grant's Farm but realized halfway through it wasn't such a great idea....hopped my way through the park unable to put any weight on my right foot/ankle and headed for Urgent Care.  Turns out there was no break but a pretty severe sprain to the foot/ankle.  Good Times.

Even better that Russ was leaving for a week in California and I was supposed to be on my own with 3 little girls for a week of VBS. I just have two words..."Thanks Grandma!!"

Notice the leg already propped up on the tram???

The Girls can't wait to feed the goats until it's time to actually feed the goats...Dad does a great job

There's still a smile on his face, even though he is working awfully hard on Father's Day :)

Cute little babies make everything worth it...

At least the toes look good....

Well, it was definitely one to's to the best daddy ever!!!  I love you!!!!

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