Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Snug as a Bug

Every morning for the past year we have woken in the morning with a certain 2 year old screaming at the top of her lungs in a VERY demanding tone "Mommy come and get me!!!"  Not my favorite way to wake up.  So...I thought I had the answer and we took the side off of her crib with the thought that each morning she could wake up, get out of bed and come and get someone without shaking the rafters.  Good idea, right???  Yes, except for one thing.  The kid falls out of bed every single night.  Bless her little heart, doesn't even wake up - you just hear this big THUNK, go in, pick her up and lay her back down. 

Think she need a big girl bed????  So I am happy to report that 1) we now have two big girls sleeping each night in their own beds and 2) E gets a good night sleep each night :)

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