Monday, July 5, 2010

PJ night at The Magic House

Grandma and Grandpa got the girls a membership at The Magic House for Christmas this year - it has been fantastic!  We are a little young to have free reign at the House, and most days it's so busy it almost more work than it's worth for me to track all three girls as they run crazy. However, there are all sorts of "member only" events that we have been able to enjoy!  I have to admit that now we've been a bit spoiled and can't imagine going to the House on a jam-packed day without doughnuts or cookies to snack on :) 

Our latest outing involved PJ night at the House...complete with story time and milk and cookies.  It was way fun and extra special because Russ was able to join us after work for a little play time...

Driving a Smart Car...

Can we take these home..they are SO Pretty!

Climbing through tunnels...great way to hide from mom and dad!

Another ride down the spiral slide...

Ignore the mommy...don't I look cute in my jammies :)

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