Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!

It's hard for me to believe, but last week my baby girl turned 1.  How is that even possible?!?!  She has been an incredible blessing to our family.  As her parents we know and love her as no one else can...except her two "big" sisters.  Those girls are in LOVE with little miss C and I can not wait to see how their relationships blossom as the years go on :)  She is itching to be one of the big girls (although she doesn't seem to mind that walking is still a foreign concept).  She is a happy, go-with-the-flow girl as long as things go her way - she definitely has a mind of her own but you can almost always turn frustration into belly laughs. 

C has had a rough couple of weeks...ear infections, bronchitis, thow in a little constipation and well, you get the picture.  But, I am happy to say that she is doing so much better.  We had a great day on her birthday.  The girls and I took her to the mall and played on the playground, did Build-a-Bear, snuggled and watched a little dance class.  She got to open a couple presents on her actual birthday.  Have to admit there wasn't anything too exciting since it's hard to find something for the third daughter born in 4 years.

On Saturday we had her little birthday bash with family and some friends.  I think everyone had a good time and we were able to do lots of outdoor playing since the day was beautiful.

She had her 1-year check up today and she is doing great...21.5 lbs., 29.5 inches, 4 shots and what a trooper.  Wish her *almost* 5-year older sister had seen how awesome she was with her shots.  J has been worried about the 1 shot she gets at her check up this winter for the past year...geesh.

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