Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hello Schwab's and Bye Bye Gallbladder...

Two weeks ago Aunt K was a brave, brave mama!!  She packed three little children (4, 3, and 1) and drove all the way up from Atlanta to STL by herself!!  Uncle J was on a medical mission in Africa (cool, I know), two of the three kids had fall break, so Kate decided to brave the 9 hour drive and spend an entire week with us.  Oh My Goodness am I glad she did!  The kids are all so close in age that we have ssssooooo much fun with them.  Of course, the picture taking was limited because, really, who has a hand free when you are chasing 6 kids under the age of 5 around STL???

And while we missed daddy while he was on a business trip, it was kinda nice to know there was no schedule to keep.  No dinners to think about.  It was mom and dad, me and my sis, and all those little cuties.  Our week included park playing, Magic House, Under the Sea lunches, Zoo, Faust Park, the Carousel, the Butterfly House, etc, etc.  And it was super special because their visit just happened to overlap J's VIP night at school (guess who she took) and Ansley got to go to dance class with us.  My least favorite part of the trip....saying good bye on Friday night.  We know they've made their home down South and they love it there, but after a week of having them close...well, it just reminds me how much I love my sister and her beautiful family. 

On a completely different note, this week I got to say "see ya later" to my gallbladder.  Pretty routine surgery on Thursday but just to spice it up a bit Russ left Wednesday for a conference that lasted through Friday.  All went well and we called in the troops to help out.  Grandma L took care of the girls all Friday while Grandpa L hung out with me at the hospital.  Grandma S and Poppy came in late Thursday night to stay with us on Friday until Russ got home.  All in all I would say recovery has been pretty good.  The hardest is my little peanut who just does not understand why her mama isn't snuggling her like usual.  Hopefully I will be back to normal in the next day or two.

One last parting note...ever wonder why SAHM's itch for the day when they can stay in bed all day and let someone else take care of the kids and then when it is imposed on them and you truly just need to rest there are a MILLION things you would rather be doing????  Pumpkin patch, birthday parties, running errands, cleaning windows, anything except lay around!!!

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